Very inclusive

It was a very inclusive orgy.  I didn’t expect to go to jail for it, though.  That’s why I’m in seclusion right now.

The world is a many splendored, inclusive thing.  Like the clitoris.  The more nerve endings included, the better.  No one was excluded.  At least that was not our intention.

So, back to the orgy.  Part of the reason it became controversial was because we broke into the Pentagon.  But it wasn’t for anything bad.

I mean, picture the world as a perfect sphere.  Can’t you do that?  Thank you.  I know I’m demanding, but it’s just my repressed programming saying that.

The world is a sphere.  The clitoris is an upside down wishbone.  These are good shapes.  They represent union.  The Pentagon is none of these things.  Its purpose is exclusion.  We can’t have that.  The only thing you can do with a pentagon, other than ignore it, is take a bunch of them and make a soccer ball covered in groups of this shape.  That would mean interpenetration and mutual respect.  This is not the lesson we get from our Pentagon.  Did you know it is located in Virginia and has twice as many bathrooms because of racial segregation?

I spent so many years living in delusion.  What kind of delusion?  The delusion of separation.  Like right brain and left brain stuff.  There were spaces between me and the things that I said.  I was not open to new ideas because everything was closed.  So, one day at yoga, that’s when the prajna hit the road.  Once the thought crashed into this dimension, it had to be shared.

So many naked people, so few security clearances.  We were let in from the inside, by a sexually liberated civil servant.  The system rebelled against itself.  But still, it was kind of top secret.  Because I had always wanted to be a top.  Is that so wrong?

Now, I ask you, should a world power like the U.S.A., which uses other countries like toys, get upset about me using sex toys inside the Department of Defense?  It sounds very defensive of them, doesn’t it?  When they led me away, I was handcuffed but not clothed.  They might as well have put barbed wire around my pudenda.  Isn’t what they do when they find something they can’t control, like the Rio Grande, put up walls and barbed wire?

So, I am awaiting trial but folks are kind of busy at the moment putting the real criminals on trial.  So I will stay secluded from the world but not from myself.  I will be ready for the next orgy when I get out.

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