Grateful to announce, “Huma Nism” is an O’Neill Center NPC Semifinalist

Literary Office<>
Wed 4/24/2024 12:29 PM

Dear Ed,

Thank you for sharing HUMA NISM with the 2024 National Playwrights Conference at the Eugene O’Neill Theater Center—and our congratulations, again, on reaching the Semifinalist round this season.

After considering it with care and appreciation, we ultimately feel that the National Playwrights Conference is not the right developmental home for your work at this time. We are saddened to share that it is no longer a candidate for inclusion in our upcoming summer season.

We were humbled to welcome 1,500 applications to the National Playwrights Conference this year, and we recognize the energy, imagination, and ingenuity that went into the making of each and every one of them. Please know that as a Semifinalist, your work was championed by our staff and reading teams alike. We hope that you’ll consider this a full-throated affirmation of your artistry, your acumen, and the powerful impact of your craftsmanship. It was a privilege to spend this time with your work, and we sincerely hope that you will continue to keep us in mind as you write.

Our thanks again for the opportunity to spend time with your work. We wish you a joyful, rejuvenating year ahead.

All our best,

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